The Opportunity To Show Love As Jesus Does

By Tg. Suan Hau Thang@ Thangte T-4
HHA, Mahavir Enclave

Opportunity is a precious gift and very limited. We need to grab every opportunity to do the right thing. There are many good things we can do at a given opportunity. Today, I want to share about the opportunity to show love to people as Jesus does. How do we do that? It is easy to love those people who share something common with us or people who are so dear to us. Loving these people is good but not the best because the range of our love is so limited. It covers only certain special people. As a Christian, we are supposed to do much more than that. In Matthew 5:46-48, we see,“If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

If Christians are to love all people and not only specific people and most of us cannot do it, what would be the reason? The reason is simple. With human it is impossible. Jesus knew this so He said in John 14:15-17 “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever, the Spirit of truth.” Jesus knew that we cannot obey His command without the help of the Holy Spirit. So, He asked the Father to give The Helper. Now, what role does the Holy Spirit play in us? Out of many, one of them is He opens our eyes to the truth. In other words, He helps us to see as God sees. So, it is really important to change our world view. What do you see when you look at a person in general? We often see the outward appearances of him/her. But when we see as God sees, we see life that will be expired soon. We also see souls that have to be saved or strengthened (if already saved).

This changes my life to the point where I now grow to love all people. I started to see people differently. I see them as someone who has to receive God’s love. It prompts me to show love. It also makes me realize that every meeting with individual(s) is not an accident. Everything under the sun happens for a reason. I meet some people for a minute and some for hours and some, I live with them. I now started to see all these different periods of time as opportunities to show love.

God wants every Christian to be an instrument of love. He does not have physical body on earth to show love (because God is Spirit). So, He wants to use our bodes as an instrument of love. Every time we meet someone we are given an opportunity to show the love of God which changes lives. It could be our family, fellow Christians, or people of other faith. We can show the love of God with whatever the Lord has given us. It could be by being kind, ready to listen, lending them a helping hand, or even just a smile out of love, etc. Who knows we may meet someone who is so depressed and about to commit suicide and just by one word of love he/she could be saved from the devil’s trap of committing suicide. And if we have time to listen to everyone’s story, we will know how pitiful they are and how much love they need to receive. God cannot bear when He sees people suffering (spiritually and physically). He wants to comfort them through us (Christians). And many times, we are not available, we often miss that golden opportunity. Because of missing a single opportunity, many lives are already spoiled while many have died (some even without their souls being saved).

It is now time to see as God sees so that we can love as Jesus loves. We will soon stop sinning as we grow in love. Most of us sin because we do not love enough as Jesus does and this is because we do not see as Jesus sees. Let us grab every opportunity given to us. In other words, let us show love to every single person who comes on our way. Then, God may save their life through us and most importantly even their souls might be saved as they hear the Good news of Jesus.

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