Temptations enticing youths of Delhi and ways to overcome them

By Julie Donngaihlun, Kipahna Group
1st Prize Winner in English Category

Residence in the bustling capital city is something that I am deeply familiar with, having been born and brought up in its streets, but for most it turns out to be a challenge of many levels. Beginning with the very language used by the local people, it trickles down to the differences in culture and lifestyle. The transition from Lamka to New Delhi can be quite a whirlwind experience for most as they drown in a sea of confusion and curiosity; it can be overwhelming when nothing in your surrounding is familiar, be it the faces, language, localities, and even the air itself. However, Delhi is a place that welcomes all as long as they stride with the confidence in the fact that Delhi is home to everyone and no one; the capital city has been long known as the hub of mixing of various cultures from not just within India, but from all around the world, and there’s comfort in the fact that it does not belong to any certain community. There are a great deal of issues that a person residing for a long time and a person new to the city have in common, and a few that I would like to highlight in this essay from the perspective of a Christian in the big city is of ‘the temptations of the material world’, ‘the struggles with prioritizing’ and ‘finding the right friends’.

Living in a material world, we cannot help but be pulled in by the abundance of things in it; there is so much to look at and admire, so much to try and experience for the first time, so much to capture in our cameras and memories. In life there are many things that can capture our curiosity, but sometimes indulging in that curiosity will not always bring us the best results. The evil form of curiosity is temptation; it is a persuasion tactic of Satan and its henchmen to make you sin. As is said, one time becomes two times, and before you know it you are addicted to it. This goes for indulging in something as simple as shopping that might make one get obsessed with brands and judge people based on their clothes, to alcohol, smoking, vaping, drugs, and gambling which are directly harmful to one’s health, lifestyle, and their relationships.

“It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that makes him unclean and defiled, but what comes out of the mouth; this makes a man unclean and defiles [him].”
–Matthew 15:11

“for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags.”
–Proverbs 23:21

With the ever growing popularity of social media in the world with the likes of Facebook in 2000’s, and Whatsapp and Instagram in 2010’s, the world has become occupied with communication through pictures on statuses and stories. The by-product of this constant usage of social media has been that we have been so exposed to celebrities, influencers, and even the acquaintances and friends on our phones that we now compare ourselves to them, specifically our faces, bodies, lifestyles and things that we possess, and lead ourselves to self-deprivation of self-love; of money and food to look and live like them; of joy that could come from appreciating and accepting ourselves the way God has made us. But at the end of the day, that kind of attention in life is only temporary and entirely dependent on our appearances and current financial and physical capabilities which will one day perish; it is only God’s love and grace that will never leave us till eternity, and this is something that we all know but is important to remember at every passing second of our lives.

The subject of ‘social media and technology as a bane or boon’ has become a decade old discussion, and the usual conclusion has been that it depends on an individual’s utilization of the resources made available, and that is the same conclusion that I have come to. As Christians, the Word of God is what we must keep closest to us, and it is through His teachings that we will find satisfaction as we live through this materialistic world. There is no better joy than in appreciating the little things we have and see around us. Instead of being greedy and envious of others, it is better to take a seat back and look at all you have. We must not forget to be grateful for all the small and big things that He has given us - be it the air we breathe, the food we eat, the clothes we hear, the roof under which we stay, and so much more.

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”
–2 Corinthians 9:8

Now, time is a concept that does not exclude any being; it ties us all together in this cycle of twenty four hours, and three hundred and sixty five days. It slips away without a care for anyone; its reins are not tied or held by anything. And that is essentially why time is considered precious and why we should try to make good use of the very little time that we have. In the Bible, we have read about the man who lived the longest; Methuselah lived a total of nine hundred and sixty nine, a number so huge that it is impossible to fathom today that life can be so long. Present day’s average lifespan could be considered seventy years, and noticeably there is a massive decline in lifespan from the times of the Bible and present day. Nevertheless, time on earth is now shorter than ever and eternity awaits us, whether in Heaven or Hell is a question we must ask ourselves. And that is essentially why we should think about how we spend our time and whether as Christians we are living in a way that Jesus would appreciate as He speaks for us from the right hand side of God.

Prioritizing and time management is something that we all struggle with; it is a common ground for all teenagers and adults. Temptations entice you to sin as you waste away the precious time granted to us by the Lord when it could have been used to do or say things in accordance to the will of God. I am of the opinion that God has given us free will within the realm of fate as He knows all that is to happen and all the possible paths we could tread, and it is us that make a choice every second whether or not to follow through with what we know is in accordance with God’s teachings, this essay shall also be built on this belief.

If I say that laziness is the greatest struggle this generation deals with, I may not be entirely wrong in my assumption. This is a battle that I personally fight every day too; some days I win and some days I lose. This materialistic world has made so many inventions that can distract us from our focus on our life goals and the words of God that it will be hard to combat it blindfolded. It is my humble opinion that perhaps all of us could do with a little bit of prioritizing and time management in our lives. Is it not the lack of it that makes us often say “I did not have the time to read the Bible or pray today, I will try again tomorrow”, and then more often that not, that ‘tomorrow’ never comes. The lack of dedication, prioritizing, and time management can lead us astray from not only God, but also from the finest path that God has laid out for us. There are many hobbies and indulgences that will entice you in life, but none will grant you the eternal life of goodness in Heaven.

“So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time because the times are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”
–Ephesians 5:15-17

Humans are social beings by nature; we inherently seek companionship in the form of friendship and love. Just like a rotten apple spoils the whole barrel, it is important to think about the people you keep close, and it is further important to make sure that you do not end being the rotten apple. Once you place your trust on a person you may find yourself agreeing to all the things they say, but one should always also keep a discerning ear to ensure that it goes with the Lord’ teachings. Blind faith must only apply to God, not to people, for we all sinners and it is possible for one to fall into the temptations of sins.

“The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.”
–Proverbs 12:26

And so, we must surround ourselves with people who are constantly trying to be better Christians. You cannot stay close to a person who constantly asks you or even forces you to do something that you know goes against the Lord’s teachings. Instead you can be the friend that leads your friend down the good path instead. You can be a missionary in your family and in your friend circle too.

“Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.”
–Luke 16:9

Delhi is part of a secular nation, and one cannot ban such consumables for the sake of certain religious notions. At the end of the day it is up to each individual to pray and seek God’s assistance in treading the righteous path that has been set out for each of us. Talk more to God in prayer, read and keep the Bible close to your mind and soul, and keep company of like-minded people in Christ. All the answers that we seek can be found in the Bible. And with that, I leave you with these Bible verses that summarize what I wish to convey through this essay, with the hopes that it may move the heart of at least one person:

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
– Romans 12:2

“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age”
– Titus 2:11-12

May God keep you, and give you all you need to sustain this temporary life on earth.

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