Questions You Should Ask Before You Scroll Down To The Next Chapter Of Life

By Lia MU
Mahavir Enclave

Have you ever wondered-If you were to record your life like a movie, what genre would it be?

Would you be excited to watch your life video or would you scroll past it?

Are you watching videos of successful people or living it?

Is your day starting happily or are you just waiting for the day to end?

These questions help me reflect on what kind of life I have been living. Let’s change the question:

What kind of life do you want to live?

I believe majority will answer a life of peace, success, love etc. Can we actually live a life that we dream of? Can there be a way to these? Duh! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. When I see the the creativity of artificial intelligence, the stars, the nature, myself, I am reminded of ‘The Creator’ assuring me that the One who created everything we see or do not see, will never degrade Himself by making us walk a boring path. He knows all our inmost being, after all, He created us. He knows your pace and has the view of what an exciting life would be.

About a week ago, God showed me these revelations of ‘life in the spiritual realm’. There, we are all in the Battlefield. Among the many revelations, there was this revelation about what kind of life are we living? They were of 3 types:

  1. Are you living a defeated life?
  2. Are you living in defence?
  3. Are you the one attacking?

A defeated life is sad, gloomy, fearful, insecure, selfish and greedy. It is a pathetic lifestyle.

A life of defence is a static lifestyle where you never move up and you barely maintain to stay in balance. It is a life of constant struggle which will eventually lead to a defeated life one day.

An attacking lifestyle is a cool lifestyle, which actually does something.

So, yes, what is the way to have that? How do I actually live a life of victory? Will I have to change myself? Hold that thought. Name me a person who never believed in Christ, living a life of victory and going to heaven after death. Like it or not, this life of victory is not the end. Eternity is there and even if you live the worldly-term of ‘successful life’ but not go to heaven, life on Earth is not even a second as compared to eternity and where you will spend eternity is what we should be worried about.

Putting this in mind, let’s go back to that thought: Now, many (maybe notyou XD) may be wondering hmmm… this doesn’t look easy. Yes, of course. Was life ever easy, even before this? Don’t worry. There’s this truth that God loves us so much that He gave Jesus so that we can go to heaven (Jn. 3:16) which was never possible and then HE ROSE FROM THE GRAVE. He defeated, overcame the world already. Everything is done!! Yes, you don’t have to actually do much. Just believe, trust and obey. You will actually see God’s children on their knees surrendering all to God and just waiting for their hero who already defeated everything, behind the scenes lifting their head in glory.

There’s this song called ‘Cover The Earth’ by Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes where a part of the song says, “Fear has no choice but to bow, chains have no choice but to break, shame has no choice but to flee in your (God’s) presence”.

There is no exact step-by-step procedure to this. My life testimony may inspire or help you in some areas but not in every step. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14). God will take you on an exciting journey and, as per your surrender as well. Let me tell you one of the things I recently learned through that song. God is Holy!! In His presence, yes, In His presence, everything else will flee. So, surrender and live for the day. You don’t have to think about whether you can live that life tomorrow or in the days after that. Live for the PRESENT and trust and obey. It’s worth a try,to do it again and again and again…. I love what Queen Esther said, “…If I perish, I perish” (Es. 4:16b) and what Daniel’s friends based their hope on, stating that God can deliver them and even if He doesn’t, they will not bow down (Dan. 3:17-18). I love the heroic quotations we, The Zomi, would say, “Sih leh sih, dam leh dam” which means, “If I die, I die and if Ilive, I live”.

Don’t let yourself be tormented by the devil who never wants good for you. Isn’t it better to try something like this which seems tormenting but actually it is not? Even if you are 80 years old or above, if you are still alive and breathing, God is not done with you. Eternity is quite long, immeasurable and it is worth a try to care for your eternity. Remember the thief who was hanging near Jesus, who got saved at the last moment of his life. Just one more reminder, you cannot cheat God. All the best to all the readers and to myself as well! Choose your answers wisely. May God bless us!

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