Has The Kind Of Panicking Call As Serious As By This Covid-19 Pandemic Only, Remain The Only Recourse To The Call For The Urgency Of The Gospel In Our Land?

By Pa Sonpi Vaiphei

The phrase 'the urgency of the Gospel' has often been used in evangelism to re-invigorate and motivate Missions around the world. As the basis for that urgency, rather than on the gravity of man's need for the Saviour Jesus Christ and God's intended purpose in Him, quite often, natural events or calamities like famine, tsunami, pandemics, wars and rumours of wars or the even more depraving sinful activities of mankind like homosexuality, genocide, terrorism, etc. that we witness in an increasing manner every day have been used, that such events indicate the imminency of Jesus' returns. Then, what if such events didn't occur? Would not the basis for the urgency of the Gospel remain the same in the heart of God? Was it not for all people that Christ died on the Cross? Or has the message of the Death and the Resurrection of Christ now become so dull and ineffective in our ears that, we have come to need such an adventitious times such as is brought by this perilous COVID-19 pandemic to stimulate our spiritually immuned sensitivities as also to motivate for the spread of the urgency of the Gospel in our land?

We all know we are currently inflicted with the Covid-19 pandemic, and we witnessed an unprecedented situation where mankind is facing possibly the widest and the strictest network of lockdowns ever in human history the world over. Being caught abruptly, many are stranded at different places under different situations by the lockdown measures perpetrated due to the deadly virus. Caught suddenly indeed! But, should we only be sensitive to our spiritual needs only on occurence of such times as this dangerous pandemic?

Many took it as a warning signage for the imminent coming of our Lord Jesus to take us back Home. Yes, it is quite appropriate. When everything regarding future becomes uncertain, what else can you think of? Except for our Spiritual identity, rest everything becomes valueless. What value will you still put on these when you can't even indulge in your own wealth and pleasures as wish?

However, in the midst of this uncertainty, the GOOD NEWS is our Church leaders took the right initiative to use this lockdown period as an opportune time to address about our spiritual conditions through mass media (Online). So far, even only through the MISSIONS-TUAILAI 2020 PROGRAM, over 50 sermons have been preached and tele-cast for public listening. They touched the right button first by addressing our spiritual problems, which by design or default, will effect the mental and physical state too. The exigesis on Psalms 91 proves it covers mental and physical protection too. And, it is quite heartening to know that many souls have been saved. Many got baptised and many have been counselled and I hope, were strengthened spiritually. To God be the glory!

At the same time, it is pertinent to reflect upon the condition of our community at large. Gospel preaching has been almost non-stop in our land. Camps and Crusades are held one after another. All local church leaders took constant initiatives in addressing the spiritual issues of their respective churches. However, inspite of all these, it may not be incorrect to state that a load many of us still remains un-awakened. It is no wonder our preachers had to use this humanly imposed lockdown period as a kind of warning for the future lockdown to come to be imposed by God. This time, you have chance to reflect upon yourself, but it will not be so at Rapture. In a blink of an eye Jesus will return in the clouds and take up His own. Those left behind will have no more chance to repent!

The urgency of the Gospel remains always. But have we become so un-listening or so insensible to the Gospel that, we need the kind of PANICKING CALL AS SERIOUS AS BY THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ONLY, AS THE ONLY RECOURSE TO THE CALL FOR THE URGENCY OF THE GOSPEL IN OUR LAND?

Indeed, the call for Salvation should never be on the basis of any other pressures other than on the purpose and plan of God in and through Jesus Christ in His Love. Yet, due to hardness of our hearts, God needs to allow unwanted natural events too to be used as instruments to wake up the slumbering; and in such times the TRUE prophets, are, instructed to use such events as baits to communicate His warnings or remind about His promises. It is therefore, important we understand how the Gracious ways of God works and we need to respond to it.

Yes, never thought that the panicking call such as by Covid-19 will remain and every body will remain alert. The world is heading towards godlessness. The world after covid-19 pandemic will be very normal again, because Rapture hasn't happened. People will live care free, unmindful about God. The world will witness the worst state of sinful activities as Jesus Himself had predicted it in Matt 24, saying, His coming back will be like unto the days of Noah..that untill that fateful Day, people were enjoying reveling, marrying, given in marriages, eating, drinking etc. Many will betray God. They will turn away from the truth. Sin will take towards its zenith..and may be, God will not sent Covid -19 to wake us up again!

Therefore, it is time for us now to wake up from slumber and be sensitive towards our spiritual needs. "Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing (I Thess 5:6-11).

*Thugelh honpetu (Htp Sonpi Vaiphei), Evangelical Organization Church (EOC), Delhi pawlpi a Chairman hihna lenlel, thugen leh thugelh lam a thilpiak tang khat ahi. A tunga ah kipak lua hang.

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